Kansas-lee epitomizes solo artistry complete; intuitive and vulnerable songwriting, delivered with conviction and strength, with a voice that pours out from the depths of her soul like honey. Paired with rythmic guitar playing, her music resonates through the heart, echoing truth and inspiring movement.

Her intimate performances have captivated audiences from her Canadian backyard, to California, England, and Spain. With a voice carrying hints of Joni Mitchell, Eva Cassidy, and Maggie Rogers, she holds her listeners in a familiar valley of soulful and soothing tones, along with a much needed breath of fresh air. As a conduit for truth and resilience, her writing resonates deeply within our collective human experiences, inviting us to connect with the raw emotions that permeate her music.

After self-producing three basement albums, she’s been working for the past year on her first studio album, which promises to be an uplifting and beautiful listen. Her songwriting has matured over the years as she has delicately honed her craft, dedicating her life to her creative expression, and it shows.

As many independent musicians do, she’s worn many hats; writer, composer, performer, designer, tour booking manager, promoter, etc. Between touring, recording, and writing, she has also been a mentor in her small home town, bringing back the wisdom she’s gained to share with numerous aspiring musicians, encouraging originality and guiding them to find their own path in music and life.

Kansas-lee has without a doubt a very rich, fulfilling, and long music career ahead of her, and she intends to remain true to herself and her vision with every note.